You Are Not in the Day of the Lord,
Part 1

In our message, ENCOURAGEMENT IN PERSECUTION (2 Thes. 1:1-10), we started a new series on the book of 2 Thessalonians. While the theme of 1 Thessalonians is largely on comfort, 2 Thessalonians (written about a year later) is focused mostly on CORRECTION (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Thes. 2:3, etc.). Paul had just explained the church would be “caught up… to meet the Lord in the air” before “the day of the Lord” came upon the world (1 Thes.… Continue reading

Easter Sunday, 2024

Easter Sunday

Last Sunday, in our Easter/Resurrection message, we looked at Paul’s gospel presentation in Antioch, Pisidia (Acts 13:16-48). Easter is the Christian holiday where we celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead (observed on the first Sunday following the first full moon on or after March 21st). It is also the Jewish Passover, which is the highest holy day of all Jewish feasts remembering the day when God delivered His people out of the bondage from Egypt by His omnipotent hand (Exodus 11:1-12:30).… Continue reading


The Christian’s Hope, Part 16

In our message on Palm Sunday, THE PURSUIT OF HOLINESS III (1 Thes. 5:23-28), we completed our series in the book of First Thessalonians.

In view of our identity in Christ and all we have been promised prophetically, the Lord continues to call us to holiness so we will be alert at His return (1 Pet. 1:15-16; 1 Thes. 4:13-5:11, etc.). But here we see an emphasis on God doing the work through us (i.e.… Continue reading


The Christian’s Hope, Part 15

In this week’s message, THE PURSUIT OF HOLINESS II (1 Thes. 5:16-22), we continued to look at the Lord’s concluding remarks to us in the book of First Thessalonians.

It is in view of all we have been promised prophetically as God’s children to include:

  1. Jesus will come suddenly reuniting us with our lost loved ones “in Christ” (1 Thes. 4:13-18)
  2. He will glorify their and our bodies swallowing death up into life (1 Cor.
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The Christian’s Hope, Part 14

In this week’s message, THE PURSUIT OF HOLINESS I (1 Thes. 5:12-15) we started to look at God’s concluding remarks to us in the book of First Thessalonians.

In way of brief review, the Lord wants our faith to grow and be established in the light of His return for us (1 Thes. 3:2, 5, 7, 10, 13, etc.). Because of this, Paul sent them a helper (1 Thes. 3:1-5); then he sent them God’s Word (1 Thes.… Continue reading


The Christian’s Hope, Part 13

In this week’s message, SAVED! WHETHER ALERT OR ASLEEP (1 Thes. 5:7-11) we looked at a second application of “comfort” to God’s children (1 Thes. 4:18; 5:11). After a brief discussion of “the day of the Lord” which will follow the church’s removal from the planet (1 Thes. 5:1-3), the Lord turned back to the church (i.e. “But you…”) with additional “comfort” and exhortation (1 Thes. 5:4). Not only are Christians as the bride of Christ guaranteed He will return for us removing us from the earth- out of harm’s way- in the rapture and transform our bodies into “immortal” ones like His at that time (1 Thes.… Continue reading


The Christian’s Hope, Part 12

In this week’s message titled, WATCH AND BE SOBER (1 Thes. 5:1-6), we shifted our focus from the moment in time that Jesus raptures (i.e. snatches) His bride/the church off the planet (1 Thes. 4:17, 1 Cor. 15:51-52; Eph. 3:5, 9-10; 2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7, etc.) to the days that would immediately follow…

God’s words, “But concerning,” shows a change of subject from the church’s removal and glorification to “the day of the Lord” (1 Thes.… Continue reading


The Christian’s Hope, Part 11

In our 11th message in the book of First Thessalonians we reached its climax- the day when JESUS COMES FOR HIS BRIDE! (1 Thes. 4:13-18).  The Gospel is truly good news! (John 3:16; 1 Cor. 15:3-4; Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8, etc.). Jesus is the “firstfruits,” our pioneer who has gone before us- risen from the dead- and one day we will follow with glorified bodies when “death is swallowed up” in life (1 Cor.… Continue reading


The Christian’s Hope – Part 10

In this week’s message titled, BROTHERLY LOVE (1 Thes. 4:9-12), we continued our look at the Lord’s urging and exhortation for us “to walk” in such a way as “to please” Him with our lives today- in the light of His return (1 Thes. 3:13-4:1; Rom. 12:1-2, etc.). Not only does the “law of Christ” “command” us to “abstain from sexual immorality” so we can be more like Jesus, but God inside of us also gives us the supernatural ability to follow Jesus’ command for us to love one another in the way that He loves us (Gal.… Continue reading


The Christian’s Hope – Part 9

Last Sunday in a message titled, OUR SANCTIFICATION (1 Thes. 4:2-8), we continued our look at the Lord’s urging and exhortation for us “to walk” in such a way as “to please” Him with our lives today (1 Thes. 4:1; Rom. 12:1-2, etc.). When a Christian “diligently seek[s] Him,” applying God’s Word to his or her life, it “pleases” God in a present-day sense (1 John 1:9; Heb. 11:6b, etc.).… Continue reading