In a message titled, YOU ARE FREE; WHAT WILL YOU DO? (Gal. 4:24-31), Paul completed his sixth and final doctrinal argument defending the gospel.  

The Holy Spirit uses symbolism here from a literal historical account (see Genesis 12-21) to prove that Christians are not under the Mosaic Law (i.e. Gal. 4:24a).  Abraham’s son Ishmael, who was not born in faith, is symbolic of the flesh while his son Isaac, who was born miraculously by faith, symbolizes being born of the Spirit (Gal.… Continue reading


In a message titled, AN ALLEGORY: ISHMAEL VERSUS ISAAC (Gal. 4:17-24a), Paul continues his doctrinal defense of the Gospel in chapters 3 and 4 as we pass from Paul’s fifth argument to start his capstone justification for our salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

In this passage, we are shown the Judaizers (i.e. “false brethren”) courted the Christians “for no good” (Gal. 4:17a; Gal. 2:4, etc.), and their devotion to the Galatian churches was only for the purpose of bringing believers under their power, influence, and authority in an effort to satisfy their “ungodly lusts” (Gal.… Continue reading

Pastor Dave

Pastor Dave Smith

My passion is to protect and promote the truth and teach others to do the same through the faithful teaching of the Bible. Gospel means “good news.” While we can have good news throughout our lives in many forms, the good news God shares with us is the forgiveness of sin through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Our church number is 509-796-2289 or you can also reach me at… Continue reading