In our March 19th sermon titled, THE LAW OF CHRIST, God summarized His call for Christians to walk in the Spirit before going onto some practical applications of how we can live the life (Gal. 5:24-6:5). Christians, whether we realize it or not, “are Christ’s [and] have crucified the flesh” when we first came to faith in Jesus (Gal. 2:20; 5:24, etc.). This is our identity in Christ, by grace through faith, and it is what we are called to continually “reckon” or consider as true- because it is! (Gal. 6:14; Rom. 6:11, Gal. 5:25a; Rom. 8:9, etc.). For those that are saved, God then reiterates His call for us to “walk in the Spirit” (Gal. 5:25b; 16-18, etc.). Chapter 5 then ends with a warning on the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:26)- emphasizing again the spiritual battle set before us is very real (“let us…” = God leads; He does not force… Gal. 1:4; 5:25b; Rom. 8:13b, etc.).
For believers who have been “overtaken” by “any trespass,” Christians who “are spiritual” should seek to “restore” them (Gal. 6:1). This is one way we can “fulfill the law of Christ” in our lives, by gently caring for those who have been weighed down and brought under bondage through the works of the flesh, whether it be legalism or license (Gal. 5:23; 6:2). But we should also “be careful not to fall into the same temptation [ourselves],” declares God’s Word (Gal. 6:1 NLT, etc.). The person who refuses to recognize this “deceives himself” and is ripe for falling as well (Gal. 6:3; 1 Cor. 10:12, etc.). Instead, we should “examine [our] own work” because “each [child of God] shall bear his own load” before God in the race the Lord has set before him (Gal. 5:7; 6:4-5; Heb. 12:1-2, etc.).
Pastor Dave
My passion is to protect and promote the truth, and teach others to do the same through the faithful teaching of the Bible.
Gospel means “good news.” While we can have good news throughout our lives in many forms, the good news God shares with us is the forgiveness of sin through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
My cell is 208-597-1508, or you can also reach me at